Emotional Intelligence in the Corporate World – Part 2: Developing and Applying Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

In Part 1 of this series, we explored the basics of Emotional Intelligence (EI) and its growing importance in the corporate world. By now, it’s clear that having high emotional intelligence is a critical asset, enhancing leadership, teamwork, and adaptability. But understanding the concept is just the first step—developing and applying emotional intelligence in the workplace is what transforms knowledge into results. In this second part of the series, we’ll focus on how to cultivate emotional intelligence and implement it effectively in a corporate environment.

Assessing Your Emotional Intelligence

Before you can develop emotional intelligence, it’s essential to assess your current level. Various tools and assessments can help you gauge your EQ, such as the Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i) and the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT). These tests measure your competencies in key areas of emotional intelligence like self-awareness, empathy, and emotional regulation.

However, assessment doesn’t stop at tests. Self-reflection plays a crucial role. Take note of how you respond to stress, handle disagreements, or manage feedback. Ask trusted colleagues or mentors for feedback on how you navigate emotions in the workplace. Honest input from peers can help you identify areas for growth.

Strategies to Develop Emotional Intelligence

Once you’ve assessed your emotional intelligence, the next step is developing it. Emotional intelligence is not a fixed trait; it can be improved with consistent effort. Below are some strategies to cultivate EI in the workplace:

1. Cultivating Self-Awareness: Self-awareness is the foundation of emotional intelligence. To build this skill:

  • Keep a journal: Regularly write down your emotions, triggers, and how you respond to situations. This helps you notice patterns and emotional habits.
  • Practice mindfulness: Being present and aware of your emotional state in real-time can help you avoid reacting impulsively. Try simple mindfulness exercises like deep breathing or meditation.
  • Seek feedback: Periodically ask for feedback from colleagues on your communication and leadership style. Their perspective can illuminate blind spots in your self-awareness.

2. Improving Self-Regulation: Self-regulation involves managing your emotions in healthy ways. To improve in this area:

  • Pause before reacting: Train yourself to take a moment to process emotions before responding to stressful situations. This helps you choose a thoughtful response instead of a reaction based on emotion.
  • Develop coping strategies: Recognize your triggers and create strategies to cope with them, such as reframing negative thoughts or stepping away to regain composure.
  • Practice accountability: Accept responsibility for your emotions and actions rather than blaming external factors. This helps you maintain control, even under pressure.

3. Enhancing Empathy Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of others—is critical in team environments and leadership roles. You can develop empathy by:

  • Active listening: Focus on truly listening to others without interrupting or formulating a response while they’re speaking. Ask clarifying questions to show that you understand their perspective.
  • Observe nonverbal cues: Pay attention to body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. These cues can provide deeper insight into what someone is feeling beyond their words.
  • Put yourself in others’ shoes: Try to imagine how situations affect others, particularly in team settings where everyone may experience stress or pressure differently.

4. Strengthening Motivation Intrinsic motivation: finding internal satisfaction in your work—fuels both emotional intelligence and professional success. To strengthen your motivation:

  • Set personal goals: Identify meaningful goals that align with both your personal values and professional ambitions. Having a sense of purpose fuels long-term motivation.
  • Celebrate small wins: Acknowledge and celebrate small achievements to keep your motivation high and maintain positive momentum.
  • Find meaning in your work: Reflect on how your role impacts the broader organization or industry. Understanding the larger purpose behind your work can boost motivation.

5. Developing Social Skills Strong social skills are essential for effective teamwork and leadership. You can build these by:

  • Practice assertive communication: Learn to express your ideas, feelings, and needs confidently while also being respectful of others. This balance is key in managing conflicts or negotiations.
  • Build rapport with colleagues: Take the time to get to know your co-workers. Simple acts like having coffee with a colleague or engaging in casual conversations can foster stronger relationships and trust.
  • Provide constructive feedback: When giving feedback, focus on specific behaviors rather than personal attributes, and balance criticism with encouragement.

Applying Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace

Once you’ve developed your emotional intelligence, the next challenge is applying it to your everyday work life. Here are some practical ways to incorporate emotional intelligence into corporate settings:

1. Emotionally Intelligent Leadership Leaders with high emotional intelligence can inspire and motivate their teams, manage conflicts, and create a positive work environment. To lead with emotional intelligence:

  • Be approachable and open: Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable sharing concerns or ideas.
  • Model emotional intelligence: Show your team how to handle pressure, communicate openly, and resolve conflicts with respect and empathy.
  • Encourage development: Support your team in developing their own emotional intelligence by providing resources, training, and mentorship.

2. Emotionally Intelligent Team Collaboration In team settings, emotions often play a significant role in productivity and creativity. To apply EI in collaboration:

  • Facilitate open communication: Encourage team members to express their thoughts and feelings constructively. This creates a culture of trust and mutual respect.
  • Manage conflicts calmly: When disagreements arise, remain calm and help team members work through their differences by understanding both sides of the argument.
  • Foster inclusivity: Acknowledge the emotional needs of team members from diverse backgrounds, ensuring everyone feels heard and valued.

3. Navigating Change with Emotional Intelligence Change can be emotionally challenging, but emotional intelligence can ease the transition:

  • Be transparent: If you’re in a leadership role, communicate openly about changes, explain the reasons behind them, and address concerns directly.
  • Support emotional well-being: Recognize that employees may need time and support to process change. Offer resources like counseling or flexible work arrangements when appropriate.
  • Adapt your approach: During times of change, be flexible in your management or communication style to meet the emotional needs of your team.

Measuring the Impact of Emotional Intelligence

Once you’ve applied emotional intelligence, it’s important to track its impact:

  • Monitor team dynamics: Observe how your emotional intelligence efforts influence team morale, collaboration, and performance. Notice if conflicts are resolved more smoothly or if the team is more engaged.
  • Track personal performance: Reflect on how your own emotional responses and interactions have evolved. Are you managing stress better, or navigating difficult conversations with more ease?
  • Seek feedback: Regularly ask for feedback from your team or peers to measure how your emotional intelligence practices are being perceived and what improvements could be made.

Conclusion: Emotional Intelligence as a Long-Term Investment

Developing emotional intelligence is not a one-time effort—it’s a continuous journey that evolves as you grow personally and professionally. The benefits of emotional intelligence in the corporate world are clear: stronger leadership, more cohesive teams, and an ability to navigate change with resilience and grace.

As businesses face increasing complexity, those who invest in cultivating their emotional intelligence will not only stand out but thrive in any corporate setting. By developing self-awareness, empathy, motivation, and social skills, you can build a successful, emotionally intelligent career that benefits both you and the organization.

Have you read my book “The Emotionally Empowered Woman”? Available on Amazon now! https://amzn.eu/d/g8VHeAp

Emotional Intelligence in the Corporate World – Part 1: The Foundation of Success

In today’s fast-paced corporate environment, technical skills alone aren’t enough to ensure success. More and more, companies are recognizing the importance of Emotional Intelligence (EI), also known as Emotional Quotient (EQ), as a critical factor in driving leadership, collaboration, and innovation. In this first part of our exploration into emotional intelligence in the corporate world, we will unpack its foundation, significance, and why it has become a game-changer for professionals across all levels.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

At its core, emotional intelligence refers to the ability to understand, manage, and navigate emotions—both your own and those of others. Daniel Goleman, a pioneer in the field of EI, identified five key components of emotional intelligence:

  1. Self-awareness – Recognizing and understanding your own emotions and how they impact your behaviour.
  2. Self-regulation – Managing or redirecting disruptive emotions and impulses.
  3. Motivation – Harnessing your emotions to drive toward personal and professional goals.
  4. Empathy – Understanding the emotions of others and responding appropriately.
  5. Social skills – Building and maintaining healthy relationships, managing conflict, and leading effectively.

While these skills are critical in any setting, they take on unique importance in the corporate world, where collaboration, leadership, and interpersonal relationships are key to success.

Why is Emotional Intelligence Crucial in the Corporate World?

1. Enhances Leadership and Management

Effective leadership isn’t just about issuing directives or hitting business goals—it’s about inspiring, motivating, and building strong teams. Leaders with high emotional intelligence can better connect with their employees, provide constructive feedback, and manage conflicts calmly. These leaders tend to foster higher levels of engagement and loyalty, encouraging a positive work culture.

Emotionally intelligent managers recognize that each employee is different, and they adjust their leadership style to fit the individual. This flexibility helps in driving high performance without alienating employees.

2. Boosts Team Collaboration

Corporate environments are often team-oriented, requiring collaboration across departments, functions, and sometimes even borders. High EQ fosters better communication, problem-solving, and conflict resolution—all essential for effective teamwork.

Employees with strong emotional intelligence can navigate the complexities of team dynamics, understanding when to lead and when to support, or how to mediate tensions without escalating issues. This ability to adapt and thrive in a collaborative setting not only improves team performance but also boosts employee satisfaction.

3. Supports Adaptability in a Changing Environment

In the corporate world, change is inevitable. Whether it’s organizational restructuring, a shift in market demands, or the introduction of new technology, emotionally intelligent professionals are better equipped to navigate these changes. They are more likely to manage stress effectively, remain adaptable, and help others transition smoothly.

Having a high EQ enables employees to deal with uncertainty and ambiguity in a more balanced way. This adaptability translates into fewer emotional breakdowns during high-pressure times, making them assets in a constantly evolving corporate landscape.

4. Drives Personal and Organizational Growth

Personal growth is not limited to climbing the corporate ladder—it’s also about becoming more self-aware, learning from failures, and developing interpersonal skills. Employees with high emotional intelligence invest in their emotional well-being, which contributes to their professional growth. Their ability to reflect, adapt, and grow often opens new opportunities for advancement, leadership, or more meaningful roles.

From an organizational perspective, investing in emotionally intelligent leaders and teams fosters a culture of learning and adaptability, which helps companies remain competitive and innovative. Emotional intelligence becomes a catalyst for sustainable growth, enhancing overall company performance.

The Corporate Impact of Low Emotional Intelligence

Just as high emotional intelligence can propel organizations forward, a lack of EI can be detrimental. Leaders who are emotionally detached or lack self-awareness can alienate employees, causing high turnover and low engagement. Teams may struggle with miscommunication and unresolved conflicts, leading to inefficiencies, lower productivity, and stifled creativity.

Moreover, emotionally unintelligent organizations may experience higher levels of workplace stress and burnout, especially during times of change. In today’s highly competitive business environment, an inability to manage emotions can result in missed opportunities, strained relationships, and ultimately, a loss of competitive edge.

Conclusion: The Future of Emotional Intelligence in Business

Incorporating emotional intelligence into the corporate environment is no longer optional—it’s essential. As businesses face growing complexity, global competition, and the need for rapid innovation, emotionally intelligent leaders and employees are poised to be the driving force behind success.

In the next part of this series, we’ll dive deeper into the practical applications of emotional intelligence in the workplace, exploring tools and strategies to build and improve your own EQ. Whether you’re aiming for leadership, navigating team dynamics, or simply seeking professional growth, emotional intelligence is the key to unlocking your potential.

Stay tuned for Part 2, where we’ll cover how to assess and develop emotional intelligence for a more fulfilling and successful corporate career!

Emotional intelligence is not just a buzzword; it’s the foundation for a thriving corporate culture. As more companies understand its value, professionals who prioritize their emotional growth will be at the forefront of industry success.

Have you read my book “The Emotionally Empowered Woman”? Available on Amazon now! https://amzn.eu/d/g8VHeAp

Cultivating a Positive Mindset: Your Path to Lasting Happiness

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the challenges and obstacles that come our way. Stress, negativity, and doubt can cloud our thinking, making it difficult to maintain a positive outlook. However, cultivating a positive mindset isn’t just about feeling good in the moment—it’s about creating a foundation for lasting happiness, resilience, and success.

The Power of a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is more than just thinking happy thoughts. It’s a mental attitude that focuses on the good in any situation and believes in the potential for positive outcomes. Research shows that a positive mindset can improve physical health, enhance relationships, and even lead to greater success in your career.

But how do we nurture this mindset? It starts with understanding that positivity is a choice, one that we can make every day. By being intentional about our thoughts, attitudes, and actions, we can shift our focus from what’s wrong to what’s possible.

Strategies for Cultivating Positivity

1. Practice Gratitude Daily

Gratitude is a powerful tool for shifting your mindset. Each day, take a moment to reflect on what you’re grateful for. Whether it’s a supportive friend, a job you love, or even the warmth of the sun, acknowledging these blessings helps you focus on the good in your life. Writing them down in a journal can make this practice even more effective.

2. Surround Yourself with Positivity

The people you spend time with influence your thoughts and emotions. Surround yourself with those who uplift and inspire you. Engage in activities that bring you joy, and limit your exposure to negative influences, whether they’re toxic relationships, stressful news, or draining environments.

3. Reframe Challenges as Opportunities

Challenges are a part of life, but how we view them can make all the difference. Instead of seeing obstacles as insurmountable, view them as opportunities for growth. Ask yourself, “What can I learn from this experience?” or “How can this situation help me become stronger?”

4. Embrace Self-Compassion

Being positive doesn’t mean ignoring your feelings or pretending everything is fine when it’s not. It’s about treating yourself with kindness and understanding, especially when things go wrong. Allow yourself to make mistakes and learn from them without judgment.

5. Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful technique used by athletes, entrepreneurs, and leaders alike. Spend a few minutes each day picturing yourself achieving your goals. Imagine the emotions you’ll feel and the satisfaction of success. This practice not only boosts motivation but also trains your brain to recognize and create opportunities.

6. Stay Present

Worrying about the future or dwelling on the past can prevent you from appreciating the present moment. Mindfulness practices, like meditation or deep breathing, help you stay grounded in the now. When you’re fully present, you’re better able to handle challenges with a clear mind and a positive attitude.

7. Overcoming Negativity

Negativity is a natural part of life, but it doesn’t have to define your experience. When negative thoughts arise, acknowledge them without judgment, then gently redirect your focus. Consider asking yourself, “Is this thought helping me?” If not, let it go and replace it with a more empowering one.

Remember, developing a positive mindset is a journey, not a destination. It requires consistent effort, patience, and self-awareness. But the rewards are well worth it—a life filled with greater joy, resilience, and fulfillment.

Final Thoughts

A positive mindset isn’t about denying reality or ignoring difficulties. It’s about choosing to focus on solutions, possibilities, and growth, even in the face of challenges. By practicing gratitude, surrounding yourself with positive influences, and viewing setbacks as opportunities, you can create a mindset that not only uplifts you but also inspires those around you.

Start small, be kind to yourself, and remember that positivity is a practice. With time, it will become second nature, transforming not just your mindset, but your entire life. Embrace the power of positivity, and watch as the world around you changes for the better.

Have you read my book “The Emotionally Empowered Woman”? Available on Amazon now! https://amzn.eu/d/g8VHeAp

The Empowered Woman

“The empowered woman is powerful beyond measure and beautiful beyond description.”
~ Steve Maraboli

Empowerment. To be empowered. Women empowerment.

These terms are all ones that we are no doubt familiar with, but what do they mean exactly? What message are they trying to get across and what does it mean to be ’empowered’?

In this article, we are going to explore all of this, explaining in detail what it means to be empowered and who an empowered woman actually is.

What is Empowerment?

Empowerment, simply put, is the process of enabling one to act. To explain further, according to this article by Lisa M. Haddad on statpearls.com, empowerment is a process enabling individuals to understand the relationship between their actions and outcomes, allowing people the power to achieve the results they desire.

Therefore, to be empowered is to be enabled with the ability to understand and control the circumstances and challenges around them, and actively work towards solving them for their well-being or the well-being of their environment.

It is a truly powerful state of mind and being, and it deserves to be embraced by everyone, irrespective of race, culture, gender, or any other factor that may have been a hindrance to them.

It is important for us to understand what it means to be empowered because only then can we begin to understand who the empowered woman is.

But before we go into the empowered woman, let us first define what it means to be a woman.

Empowerment and the Woman

Who is a woman?

A woman, according to openthebible.org, is one who is created, redeemed, blessed and gifted to be a blessing to those around her. Yes, she was described as a biblical woman, but I believe that this applies to all women as well, but this can only be true when they have realised their true worth, purpose and identity.

Sadly, there are many factors that limit this realisation in society, making it difficult for women to truly blossom into who they were made to be.

That’s where empowerment comes in because, with this, women now have the chance to become their true selves, the people they were created and born to be.

So, with this understanding, let us now look at how all these are made manifest in today’s empowered woman.

The Empowered Woman

The empowered woman is one who has authority and control over their own lives, decisions and ultimate happiness, who uses this authority to enrich the lives of those around her and her community as a whole.

She is a strong, capable and motivated woman and, above all, she is a gift to both society and to herself.

She is not held back by the limitations of the world and pushes through all barriers, both material and immaterial, to drive a positive change in her world.

Qualities of an Empowered Woman

Now, how do we identify this precious woman? What makes her stand out despite all the things that try to pull her down?

Let’s take a look at some of the qualities of the empowered woman.

1. She knows who she is

The empowered woman is confident, strong, and priceless—and she knows it.

She is fully aware of her worth and her identity and she doesn’t let anything or anyone make her change her belief about herself.

2. She is not afraid to change the status quo

Despite what kind of evil is going on and no matter how long it has gone on for, the empowered woman will never let it get in her way of doing what is right, even if it means that she has to change the existing norms of society.

3. She is an embodiment of love

The empowered woman is kind, compassionate and shows love to all those around her, making sure that they get what they deserve and are given the opportunities they ought to have.

4. She respects others and herself

Just as the empowered woman does not undervalue others, she also doesn’t undervalue herself. She knows her worth and carries herself with courage, integrity and elegance, and makes sure that she teaches this quality to others as well.

5.  She is dedicated to empowering others

The empowered woman knows what it means to not be in control, to have your life dictated by another person or the society itself, and she tries all she can to make sure that those who are still in that bondage rise to be the wonderful people they were born to be.

Now, you may be wondering, Who is this empowered woman? Where can I find her? How can I become her?

Well, the answer is that far, because she is right here, living in me, and you, and in every woman out there.

We all have the capacity to be empowered, strong, and beautiful women. All we have to do is unlock that person inside of us, and I know just the thing that will help us achieve this.

The Emotionally Empowered Woman by Dr. Evelyn Okpanachi is the book every woman needs to read. It explores who the empowered woman is in detail and gives valuable guidance on how to become this woman and begin the transformation the world desperately needs and only you can give to it.

Grab this book today so you can achieve your full and true self. With this knowledge, we hope that one day, every woman in the world will reach their full potential and become a blessing to all those around them.

We hope that they will become empowered.

Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

Worse than what society tells us is what we tell ourselves; that inner critic that consistently tugs at our self-confidence until we become like shaft swaying in the direction of the wind.

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Happy New Year — Welcome To 2020

Can you believe it is 2020? It is a whole new decade!

Indeed time flies. We can agree that 2019 literally went by the twinkle of an eye.

As expected, 2020 is everyone’s best year yet! Some of us have, while some are still trying to come up with a master plan that will change their lives for better in 2020. Some of us are still wondering how 2019 went by without achieving any of our set goals.

What category do you fall under?

Were you able to accomplish most of your goals for last year, or you didn’t even get close to achieving any of your goals for the year? Your answer to the questions doesn’t matter anymore because there’s nothing you can do about the past.


It’s the 7th of January 2020 already! And I bet this year will go by faster than previous years. So, don’t feel too bad if you failed to accomplish your goals in 2019 because this year is offering you another opportunity to become the person of your dream.

Kudos if all your goals in 2019 were achieved. However, we can’t say what 2020 has in store for you and I. We are only certain that it will take more than just writing your goals on a piece of paper or designing a vision board. You need commitment, consistency, hard work, patience, and determination.

“It takes determination to achieve a new and greater height, it takes much more determination to remain at your newfound height”

Hence, if you worked for four hours to be successful in 2019, you need eight hours in 2020 to maintain or increase your wealthy status.

What Are Your Visions For 2020?

What are your goals for the New Year? Have you mapped out a strategy that will enhance your chances of achieving your goals for the year? Start by setting SMART goals for this year while you apply a better strategy to achieve them. Detect the roadblocks that prevented you from reaching your full potentials in 2019 and learn from the mistakes.

“Failure shouldn’t discourage you from trying again because every successful human had tasted failure before becoming a well-known individual in the world”

If James Dyson could finally succeed after 15 years of trials, who said you can’t invent that tire-less bike. If Wole Soyinka could become the first African to win a Nobel Prize in Literature award after failing the English language in nine SSCE exams, who said you can’t get admission into the university of your choice in 2020?

Thomas Edison failed 999 times before inventing his electric light bulb. Walt Disney of the Disney cartoon network is another man whose story should inspire you. All you need to do is staying true to yourself and find a way (action) to achieve your goals for the year. Achieving your goals and visions for this year requires a few things from you. They are:

1. New Year Resolutions That Are backed Up By Swift Action

New year resolutions are believed to be one of the greatest strategies deployed by everyone who wants to have a successful year, as it will bring the best out of them.

Unfortunately, 80% of people who made New Year’s resolutions failed to keep them because they lack the willpower to change for the better. They also fail to keep their resolutions because they didn’t take swift action towards becoming better.

“A failure to take precise and deliberate action is the reason why so many New Year’s resolutions and other goals fail.”

What are your resolutions for 2020? Are you willing to right all your wrong actions that made 2019 a forgettable year? If yes, take a step today and stop thinking about the unchangeable past!

Quick Advice: Your New Year resolutions must propel you towards achieving your targets for the year. Your resolutions must be vision-bound, as that will make 2020 a fruitful year for you.

For instance, if your goal is to have £20m in your account by December, your resolution for the year must include spending less and working hard(er) because they will improve your possibility of reaching your goal.

Do you want to gain admission? You must study more than ever. Yours is to become a well-known online affiliate marketer? Then, you have to spend more on the internet and learn from experts.

2. Spiritual and Mental Alertness

The year 2020 will be an ordinary year for you if you fail to acknowledge the fact that there’s a need to be spiritually and mentally strong.

I have come to realise that the spiritual controls the physical. Until you’re spiritually strong, you can’t have a successful 2020 — there’s no magic to that.

Stay glued to whatever you believe is working for you in the spiritual world as that will help build your mental strength to overcome many challenges and unavoidable setbacks.

3. Determination and Discipline

You need to be determined to achieve your goals for the year. Determination is the strong willpower that keeps you going when everything is saying otherwise. You need it to enhance your chances of breaking your limit this year.

However, mere willpower won’t be enough to see you through the year’s challenges if it’s not backed up by discipline.

Discipline simply means having a high regard for your reputation. Whatever you don’t want, don’t do it to others. Don’t strive to get what you don’t need. Discipline helps you to contend with what you have.

4. Commitment and Consistency

Until you commit yourself towards achieving your goals, you can’t become a better person in life. You must give all your power to realise the 2020 goals.

Just like commitment, consistency is also important because the more you continue to engage in one activity, the higher your chances of breaking new ground.

What are you planning to start in 2020? I must let you know that it’s better not to begin a project than ending it halfway. Consistency is a trademark of a successful individual, learn to develop it as part of your all-time attributes.

As you already know, your destiny is in your hand, and 2020 is what you make of it. Whatever you sow into the year, is what you will reap at the end of it… Be good to everyone, stay focused and have a fruitful year ahead.



The Power Within a Woman

We are living in times of dramatic change, with a far more tolerant society emerging and the opportunity to be a true individual without fear of judgment or reprisal.

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