4 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Improve Their Time Management Skills

Managing time has become an all too real struggle for entrepreneurs these days. With so much to do in both their work and personal lives, it can be challenging to get things done in during a day. There are many ways for entrepreneurs to improve their time management skills to help them get more accomplished in less time. Here are four ideas for entrepreneurs to enhance their time management.

Make a Schedule and Stick to It

You can start to improve your time management skills by taking the time to organize your days and weeks in advance. While there will always be surprises that you’ll have to deal with, you’re more likely to be able to tackle those surprises better because you have an idea about what tasks and responsibilities you have to deal with each day.


Learning how to prioritize is the second way to improve time management skills. If you want to execute your projects efficiently, then you have to decide which stages or components of the project are essential to your business. You have to be able to determine which activities and tasks will deliver the best returns for your business.

Set Boundaries

If you want to be able to work in peace, then you need to inform those you work with when you’re not available. Your partners and employees can’t read minds, so it is your job to set appropriate boundaries when necessary. Make sure that you communicate your limits in a polite, yet direct manner to ensure that you can have the time you need to work on essential tasks.

Account for Good Distractions

There will always be distractions that get the best of you, no matter how hard you try to avoid them. However, no one can work for hours on end, and to stay productive, we all need breaks. The best thing you can do is accept this reality and try to incorporate some distractions into your schedule. Try to block out some downtime every day. This might mean setting aside a few minutes to take a short walk, grab a cup of coffee, or find some other stress management activities that you can do.

Managing your time requires discipline, planning, and a healthy attitude. However, if you get it right, you will start to notice improved productivity and lower levels of stress.

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How to be productive when you are not feeling motivated

It can be very frustrating knowing that you have a ton of work to do but very minimal motivation to get you started. Even after commencing, how do you complete your tasks? Feeling stuck in a rut usually has us in the downside. This demotivation, however, shouldn’t spell doom for the individual.

Below is a list of eight tips and tricks that can boost your productivity in no time

Find out what is blocking you

The heart is willing but the mind is weak. Demotivation starts with a block. Most times this block is as a result of burn out/mental fatigue. A long cycle of continuous work and stress without well-deserved breaks can leave the mind feeling like mush. Other times it could be a fear of the task ahead. You probably are estimating the stress and energy required to expend, so you keep avoiding it. You may need to take your time with this point as sorting emotions/feelings is quite needed.

Do what makes you happy/relaxed

Have you heard of the happy hormones? They are Dopamine, Serotonin, Oxytocin, and Endorphins. They contribute to an overall feel of exciting boost. We usually feel our best when excited about something. Doing something that relaxes or make us happy can help transfer the elevated mood to the task at hand. Happiness stimulates motivation; having an hour of happy hormone boost is quite effective in tackling a lack of motivation.

Ensure your basic needs are met

Some of us are unable to concentrate on a task when plagued with hunger pangs. Feeling sleepy and working is sure to cause sloppy results if care is not taken. So do eat before commencing that task, get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep daily. Do not neglect your body alarms; so you can be on your best.

Make to-do lists your friend

Arrange tasks in order of priority. This is very useful for when you are dreading a task. The one that stresses you out the most is what you should try to complete first. If you have smaller tasks that build up to it, conquer them by setting a timer for the completion of each, you’ll see they are not as tedious as you thought, do ensure to take short breaks in-between tasks. Make your daily to-do lists realistic.

Unplug from social media

Turn off your data, and if possible, your phone. End all social sites on your computer too. This is to avoid distractions when aiming to do your tasks. Getting caught up in social media is a slippery slope; one which you could be on for an hour and be oblivious.

Organize your space

Sometimes we do not feel like working because our workspace is cluttered. Here’s a tip, attempt to clear up at the end of your daily tasks, that way by the following day, seeing an organized space would be refreshing to your sight.

Reward yourself

This is a mind trick. Usually, we feel more eager to perform when there is something to be gained at the end. Little rewards go a long way to keeping us productive. It could be anything from your favorite drink to watching an episode of your favorite series. Try not to binge.

Take a huge break

Some days are tough and all the points don’t work. At this point, it is advised you stay off work completely at least for a whole day. Have a staycation and unplug from the world. Burnouts can leave us high and dry.
If you find yourself in a constant state of demotivation, and after about 3 days of vacation/staycation you still do not feel the desire to get some work done, it’s suggested you seek help. One may be suffering from mild depression.


Happy Productivity!

10 Financial Goals to set for yourself

2019 is almost over; how much have you saved? Invested? Spent on a vacation? Emergencies? What new thing have you gotten for yourself?

Finances can be tricky: it always feels like the money is never enough or these responsibilities keep springing up from all over. It is important not to leave things to neither chance nor luck nor fully depend on others. Financial goal setting is akin to planning which indicates a sense of direction for the individual. While things may not always go as intended, at least you won’t be caught unprepared.

Here are 10 financial realistic goals to set for yourself, some are long term, some short but they all provide sustainability;

1. Don’t add any more debt

Hello! We are trying to pay off existing debts already, please don’t get into more. Fact is, if you cannot pay for something on the spot without a grumble, you cannot afford it. Loans seem pretty but they are financial chains, do your very best not to get bound. Don’t make financial promises either, they are debts. The general idea is to either do it immediately or not at all, thinking about what you owe is enough to cause health issues.

2. Set up an emergency fund account

Sometimes hospital bills come calling, an unplanned event that is unavoidable manifests, a vacation well-deserved has to be taken; all these are real things that require money. An ideal rule is to set aside 10% of monthly earnings for emergencies strictly. This is to avoid dipping into your savings when the time comes.

3. Always budget your expenses

To avoid overspending, budget what you need to spend on. Know those that are fixed like rent, utility or gas and know those you can easily do away with or work towards. Try to make all expenses minimal.

4. Learn to live below what you can afford

This is related to the above but in no means is its frugality. Life is unpredictable and this shows you don’t consume all in one sitting. There is a lot to save; you only need to set aside certain percentages for them. Living below what you can afford will help you have financial fresh air as you are not living from paycheck to paycheck.

5. Learn skills that can increase your income

Take up career improvement courses, attend leadership seminars, masterclasses, do a masters degree if you can afford it, professional courses and be more relevant in your field.

6. Create multiple income streams

Even if it is just two. Realize not everyone can do what you have ability to. Find a way to meet needs and monetize it. There is talent and there are skills, use both wisely to your financial advantage.

7. Plan to do work that you love

This way it would not feel like a chore. While circumstances do not always allow us to chase our dreams wholeheartedly, doing something you love as a side job brings you fulfillment which can be transferred unto your regular job. Really try to figure out how your gift can meet needs and solve problems.

8. Invest/save wisely

Asides from saving for rainy days, do your best to invest too. Don’t leave cash lying fallow in your account for too long. Find an investment opportunity (long term advisably) with a reasonable ROI and put some money into it. This is another income stream once you start earning returns. Buy shares if you can afford it. A good savings rule is 20% of monthly earnings into a designated account.

9. Save up wisely for retirement

It is never too early to start. While most companies pay some of your salaries to your pension account, you could add about 5% more monthly or yearly, from any of your accounts, it’s your choice. You are planning for the far future, a long term plan.

10. Set financial milestones

Have realistic yearly set savings, emergency, investment and retirement money goals, so that by the end of the year you have something to measure your progress with. Also, aim to record your monthly income flow including expenses; this would help you know what seems to be boring holes into your finances. A simple knowledge of record-keeping is very useful.